The Sunrise Service at Castle Craig is an annual event traditionally held on Resurrection Sunday morning to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Castle Craig is a prominent landmark located within Hubbard Park in Meriden, Connecticut, offering stunning views from its high vantage point. The service typically includes the following elements:

1. Early Morning Worship: The service begins at sunrise, symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus and the new beginnings it represents. The timing aligns with the biblical accounts of women visiting Jesus’ tomb early in the morning and finding it empty.

2. Location and Atmosphere: Held at Castle Craig, the service leverages the natural beauty and serene environment of the park. The rising sun over the landscape adds a meaningful and picturesque backdrop to the worship experience.

3. Community Gathering: This event often draws a diverse group of attendees, including members of various local churches and the wider community. It’s a time for communal worship and celebration.

4. Symbolic Significance: The act of gathering in the early morning hours to celebrate the resurrection underscores themes of hope, renewal, and the victory of light over darkness.

The Sunrise Service at Castle Craig is a cherished tradition for many, offering a powerful and inspirational way to share the hope we have in our Savior Jesus Christ!